Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 Retrospective - We Survived!

As 2010 comes to a close, I feel the need to look back before looking forward.  2010 was a rough year on my hubby, Craig, and me.  And it would be fairly easy to focus only on the negatives, but there were some positives this year.  Positives that I take for granted, as they get lost amongst all the negatives.

2010 started with a lifestyle change, as I returned to school after being in the workforce for about 6-7 years.  I went back to finish my Bachelor of Commerce degree, and I was excited!  We both knew that sacrifices would have to be made, going from 2 incomes to 1.  I just didn't know how much my income made life so much easier for us financially.  No more impulsive purchases, everything had to be planned.  Easier said than done.

The stress of being back in school caught up with me in March, and I had blinding headaches for a month.  I still managed to keep my grades up though!  I even had one professor offer a letter of reference if I decided to pursue graduate school!  That just blew my mind!  Graduate school hadn't even crossed my mind; I just wanted to finish my degree.

I became a PartyLite Consultant back in Dec 2009, in the hopes to supplement our income.  It's been an up and down adventure.  I've learned a lot about myself and running a business.  I still haven't got it figured out yet, but I've met some amazing people, in person and online on FB, that I wouldn't have if I wasn't a consultant!

However, in June, my focus changed from supplementing income to finding stable income as Craig went on short-term disability for 3 months.  Not only were we living on one income, that one income was now reduced.  But finding a part-time job was not easy.  I finally found one in July, but hours were dependent on events going on and the pay was lousy.  I stuck it out until the end of August, when I couldn't take it anymore!  The stress of worrying about Craig's well-being, lack of finances, combined with returning back to school led to myself giving myself an ulcer - which lasted almost 2 months.  As a result, I missed a lot of classes and this semester was not up to my standards.  It took me a while, but I've come to accept this fact and not beat myself up over it.

It hasn't been an easy year for Craig either.  May, he tore his hamstring (it was black and ugly-looking).  June, he fractured his left elbow and displaced his right elbow, making him unable to work.  Plenty of visits to the orthopedic surgeon and the physiotherapist.  The last visit to the orthopedic surgeon was 3 weeks ago, and finally we received good news!  No surgery required and no more physio as the fracture is 80% healed!  We'll overlook the fact that he pulled his calf 2 weeks ago..LOL!

So looking back, we survived a year of a lot of adversity!  The positives may have also got lost in this post, so I'll finish off with it (in no particular order):
  • I'm one semester away from finishing my degree!
  • Craig's almost healed!
  • We were able to spend the summer together!
  • I've met some amazing people because of being involved in PartyLite!
  • Our marriage has grown stronger by surviving all this adversity!
Here's to hoping the New Year brings us love, success, prosperity, and health (no more injuries please)!  I wish the New Year brings you and yours the same!


  1. Wishing you a wonderful 2011!

    I tagged you int he stylish blogger award on my blog (to post today) so be sure to stop by and claim it!


  2. Hope you had a great New Year!

    Found you while blog hopping! I'm your newest follower!
