Thursday, November 18, 2010

All Over the Place!

If it seems like my posts are all over the place, that's because my mind's all over the place!  2 1/2 weeks left of school - 2 research papers, a case analysis, and a stats lab exam!  Not sure how I'm going to pull this off but hopefully I will.  Then final exams; but at least I have 5 days from the last day of class to my first final.  I'll need the break and the time to brush up.

School is my #1 priority, but not my only priority.  I have plenty going on with my PartyLite!  I found during this semester going to school and working part-time was just too much.  So after plenty of discussion with my husband, Craig, we decided it was better for me to drop the part-time job.  And I love that he was willing to pick up the financial slack by working every chance he got, even though he's still rehabbing that fractured left elbow (poor guy)!  However, my guilt complex kicks in.  So I've also been focusing on my PartyLite business!  I have a home party next Saturday and a trade show the next day!  I'm looking forward to it, but am having trouble balancing school and PartyLite.  So I've made the decision that I will take the weekends off from promoting on my FB PartyLite page - we'll see if I can stick to that!  Lol!  And maybe Wednesdays....I still want to be able to connect with my fans but not the expense of my schoolwork and my sanity!

Thanks for sticking by me!

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